The funny and fearless

Tony® Award-winner and five-time Tony® Award nominee Laura Benanti is a highly celebrated stage and screen actress. Ms. Benanti has an impressive television roster including Hulu’s LIFE & BETH, created by and starring Amy Schumer, the hit series YOUNGER, HBO Max’s GOSSIP GIRL reboot, and the second season of HBO Max’s THE GILDED AGE.
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“The divine Laura Benanti appears to have reached a point where there’s nothing she can’t do…”
- The Hollywood Reporter

“The beautiful Laura Benanti should win a Tony every time she appears in a show…”
- The New York Post
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“Benanti’s Jane comes into focus only gradually, but she’s magnetic throughout as a woman whose starry-eyed romanticism can be a saving grace or a poison.”
- Angie Han, Hollywood Reporter
Rachel Zeidman
Liza Zusman
Stephanie Simon
Dannielle Thomas
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