Be of Service

Leading the conversation. Shaping the media narrative. Changing the culture. That’s GLAAD at work.
Founded in 1985, GLAAD is a non-profit organization focused on LGBTQ advocacy and cultural change. GLAAD works to ensure fair, accurate, and inclusive representation and creates national and local programs that advance LGBTQ acceptance. Serving as a storyteller, media force, resource, and advocate, GLAAD tackles tough issues and provokes dialogue so that authentic LGBTQ stories are seen, heard, and actualized. GLAAD strives to protect all that has been accomplished and helps create a world where everyone can live the life they love.

The ACLU dares to create a more perfect union — beyond one person, party, or side. Our mission is to realize this promise of the United States Constitution for all and expand the reach of its guarantees.

The Black Fairy Godmother Foundation, founded by Simone Gordon, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created to help Black and Brown marginalized families. Our foundation uses the power of networking, social media, and influence to connect families in need with people that can help.
We have a variety of programs to meet the needs of those who need assistance. Our goal is to not only provide relief but help them to get to a place of stability and equip them with the proper tools and support so they may sustain themselves going forward.

FoodCorps partners with schools and communities to nourish kids’ health, education, and sense of belonging. Our AmeriCorps members serve alongside educators and school nutrition leaders to provide kids with nourishing meals, food education, and culturally affirming experiences with food that celebrate and nurture the whole child. Building on our service program, FoodCorps develops leaders, grows networks, and advocates for policy change in service of every kid’s health and wellbeing.

God’s Love We Deliver cooks and home-delivers nutritious, medically tailored meals for people too sick to shop or cook for themselves. To support the health of our clients, we also provide ongoing nutrition assessment, education, and counseling. God’s Love is a non-sectarian organization serving people in need and their children and caregivers. All of our services are provided free to clients and full of love.

Rachel Zeidman
Liza Zusman
Stephanie Simon
Dannielle Thomas